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Прот. М. Ходанов. Ты хочешь нового? Сотвори добро!
Апология встряски. Публикацию подготовил прот. Михаил Ходанов
А. Нотин. Экскурсия в мегаполис (продолжение)
Мир незримый
А. Замостьянов. Гражданская молитва страны
Л. Савина. Приобщение к истокам
Экология души
Встретимся на свободе. Интервью взял В. Ирзабеков
Н. Михальчук. Странная любовь к девиантности
К. Нотин. Мысли
Русское зарубежье
В. Орел (США). Прах вместо благ
В. Петров. Чудесное спасение Пюхтиц
Литературная страница
Н. Текутова. Аленкина доля
В. Пестерев. Переправа
В. Курбатов. Вперед за прошлым!
В. Ирзабеков. Она одна такая..
И. Алексеева. Главному герою...
The apologia of shake-up (P. 2). Publication was prepared by Archpriest MICHAIL KHODANOV.(Апология встряски (Ч. 2). Публикацию подготовил протоиерей Михаил Ходанов)
This time we call attention of readers to continuation of informal conversation on relevant spiritual problems of the present time (The beginning is in “The sixth sense”, № 3, 2008). It is led by the priest, the politician and the literary man. This time the conversation is devoted to such a not simple theme as returning young people of Russia to their spiritual cradle - to Christianity.
ARSENY ZAMOSTYANOV. The civic prayer of our nation (Арсений Замостьянов. Гражданская молитва страны)
A round table discussion devoted to the problems of patriotical education among young people has been held in May in the confines of State Duma; the officials intend to introduce such courses in all schools. Another semiofficial patriotic wave in reaction to Russia’s football and hockey achievements has taken mass media by storm. The Russian performance on Eurovision became a perfect manifestation of flashy eclectics that remind one of an old joke about illogic scenic effects: “Gypsy gnomes’ Jewish horse circus on ice”. It’s true that propagandists of the new patriotic ideology are beginning to mistake horses for men in their imagination...
MICHAIL KHODANOV. Want to do something refreshing? Go for the greater good! (Михаил Ходанов. Ты хочешь нового? Сотвори добро!)
I feel great pain when I think of today’s young people: how are they going by and what approach should we take to make them listen to us, Christians? I’m not young anymore, so I’m not particularly welcome in their circle. And people often tell me that I do not know or understand young people; that I only criticize them; that they’re not bad, simply different and so on and so on. Of course, not all young people are bad but in the words of Vladimir Vysotsky: “The better ones are unknown to me, maybe they have wings”. Of course, there are good young people studying, working, staying home in the evenings and not going to burn cars.
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